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An elegant, minimalist box contains 12 exclusive chocolates, unique in their taste and shape. All chocolates are handmade with love. Unique composition of eye and taste experience.


The nutritional information is subject to raw material and production-related fluctuations.

May contain traces of all types of nuts, peanuts, eggs, sesame and gluten. Store dry and protected from light, preferably at a temperature of 12-20 ° C.

B2B Praline Love is ...

  • Zucker; Kakaobutter; Vollmilchpulver, Sahne; Rapsöl; Kakao-Likör; weizen Mehl; Kandierter Zucker; Emulgator: Glycerin; Glukosesirup; Butter; nicht raffinierter Rohrzucker; Soya Mehl; Invertzucker; Stabilisator: Sorbit; Emulgatoren: Lecithine (SOY, Raps); natürlicher Vanillearoma; kristallisierter Invertzuckersirup; Karamellzucker; Zimt; Muskatnuss; Aufzuchtsubstanz: E500; Farbstoffe: E104, E122, E124, E131, E151, E101, E171, E120, E100; Paprika-Extrakt, Milchschokolade: Kakaomasse mindestens 33,5%. Milchschokolade mit Karamell: Kakaomasse mindestens 31,1%. Zartbitterschokolade: Kakaomasse mindestens 54,1%. Farbstoffe: E104, E122, E124.

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